To meet the demand from young maestros and their families, we have opened up another workshop this term. Making Music with Monty is now running two evenings each week, and we’ve had a very productive start to our second term already.
Every week, each class is broken down into four parts: listening, analysis, performance (vocally, clapping and instrumentally), as well as creating original music. While we build on these skills each week, we simultaneously develop their musical knowledge and understanding of rhythm and pitch.
Classes draw from Kodaly and Dalcroze to create a playful and experimental approach to learning. This means that musical fundamentals such as the theory of music are introduced to the children subtly (usually through gameplay). By week three, children as young as four are singing and clapping rhythms with confidence and exploring their sol-fa and time signatures with ease. And what’s more – it doesn’t feel like a lesson because the children are having so much fun. Want to know more?
Email us for more information or for tips and tricks on how to entice your little ones into music!